:warning: This SDK is in open alpha and is constantly under development. :warning: GWAVOracle.sol and LyraAdapter.sol not yet audited.
Avalon docs under development: Avalon Docs
$ yarn add @lyrafinance/protocol
$ yarn add hardhat-dependency-compiler
Include the dependency compiler plug-in in your hardhat.config.ts
import 'hardhat-dependency-compiler'
import { lyraContractPaths } from '@lyrafinance/protocol/dist/test/utils/package/index-paths'
export default {
// other hardhat config params...
dependencyCompiler: {
paths: lyraContractPaths,
import {LyraAdapter} from '@lyrafinance/protocol/contracts/periphery/LyraAdapter.sol';
contract DeltaStrategy is LyraAdapter {
// your structured product contract
Refer to the lyra-vaults on using the LyraAdapter
to connect your contract to Lyra.
Deploy a full Lyra market in hardhat without need for custom mock contracts.
import { TestSystem } from '@lyrafinance/protocol'
describe('Integration Test', () => {
before(async () => {
let testSystem = await TestSystem.deploy(signer);
await TestSystem.seed(signer, testSystem);
it('your integration test', async () => {
Open position and confirm correct payout example test:
it('will pay out long calls', async () => {
boardIds = await testSystem.optionMarket.getLiveBoards();
strikeIds = await testSystem.optionMarket.getBoardStrikes(boardIds[0]);
// Buy long call
await testSystem.optionMarket.openPosition( {
strikeId: strikeIds[0],
positionId: 0,
amount: toBN('1'),
setCollateralTo: 0,
iterations: 1,
minTotalCost: 0,
maxTotalCost: MAX_UINT,
optionType: TestSystem.OptionType.LONG_CALL
// Wait till board expires
await fastForward(MONTH_SEC);
// Mock sETH price
await TestSystem.mockPrice(testSystem, toBN("1500"), 'sETH');
// Settle option and confirm payout
await testSystem.optionMarket.settleExpiredBoard(boardIds[0]);
const preBalance = await testSystem.snx.quoteAsset.balanceOf(signer.address);
await testSystem.shortCollateral.settleOptions([strikeIds[0]]);
const postBalance = await testSystem.snx.quoteAsset.balanceOf(signer.address);
Refer to the integration testing example on hardhat testing against a mock Lyra market.
import { getMarketDeploys, getGlobalDeploys } from '@lyrafinance/protocol';
// get lyra address/abi/bytecode/more
let lyraMarket = await getMarketDeploys('kovan-ovm', 'sETH');
let lyraGlobal = await getGlobalDeploys('kovan-ovm');
const testFaucet = new Contract(lyraGlobal.TestFaucet.address, lyraGlobal.TestFaucet.abi, deployer);
const sUSD = new Contract(lyraGlobal.QuoteAsset.address, lyraGlobal.QuoteAsset.abi, deployer);
const optionMarket = new Contract(lyraMarket.OptionMarket.address, lyraMarket.OptionMarket.abi, deployer);
// call lyra (`execute` is any implementation of a contract call)
await execute(testFaucet, 'drip', [] as any, provider);
await execute(sUSD, 'approve', [optionMarket.address, MAX_UINT], provider);
await execute(optionMarket, 'openPosition', [tradeParams], provider);
Refer to the lyra-vaults kovan/mainnet scripts for calling kovan/main-net Lyra markets.
// deployLyraExample.ts
import { TestSystem } from '@lyrafinance/protocol';
async function main() {
// 1. create local deployer and network
const provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider('http://localhost:8545');
const privateKey = 'local eth address with ETH';
// 2. optional settings to prevent errors
provider.getGasPrice = async () => { return ethers.BigNumber.from('0'); };
provider.estimateGas = async () => { return ethers.BigNumber.from(15000000); }
const deployer = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
// 3. deploy and seed Lyra market
let linkTracer = false;
let exportAddresses = true;
let localTestSystem = await TestSystem.deploy(deployer, linkTracer, exportAddresses);
await TestSystem.seed(deployer, localTestSystem, overrides={});
// 4. call local contracts
await localTestSystem.optionMarket.openPosition({
strikeId: 1;
positionId: 0;
optionType: TestSystem.OptionType.LONG_CALL;
amount: toBN("1");
setCollateralTo: toBN("0");
iterations: 3;
minTotalCost: toBN("0");
maxTotalCost?: toBN("250");
$ yarn hardhat node
$ yarn hardhat run deployLyraExample.ts // in a separate window
Can also use
on local network by settingexportAddresses=true
Refer to the lyra-vaults localhost deploy scripts for creating a local Lyra market.
For overriding specific parameters when using TestSystem.deploy()
or TestSystem.seed()
const overrides: DeployOverrides = {
optionMarketParams: {
...lyraCore.defaultParams.optionMarketPerams, feePortionReserved: toBN('0.05')
For easy debugging, set linkTracer = true
to use hardhat-tracer
to display all emitted events for every hardhat contract call (does not work in local/kovan/main-net yet)
let linkTracer=true;
let localTestSystem = await deployTestSystem(deployer, linkTracer);
Run your test scripts with the yarn test --logs
to enable the plug-in.
As hardhat-tracer
does not log on reverted calls, rely on CustomErrors thrown by the core Lyra contracts.
For local/hardhat:
to prevent deposit/withdraw early returns when boards staletestSystem.optionMarket.settleBoard(boardId)
before settling individual positionstestSystem.mockPrice()
to set mock priceslyraEvm.fastForward(jumpTime)
to jump to expiry/fast-forwardDeployOverride
and SeedOverride
during testSystem.deploy/seed
for setting custom market params such as standardSize
, minDelta
and etc.Refer to the lyra-vaults example project for example usage of above functions.
To run slither, install it via instructions found in the slither repo, and then run the following command: slither --exclude-informational --exclude-optimization .
To prevent false-positives in runs of slither
, slither.db.json
has been added to the repo -- this is a file generated by slither
in triage mode to mark what shouldn't be tested. This will periodically need to be reset, depending on how much the code has changed between the last run and may error on a future run of the contracts. [Note that it is only present to reduce duplicate work in slither results, and does not strictly need to be present in the result]